
Friday, November 15, 2013

So Close yet so Far away.

Well my due date is just around the corner and things are coming together! I have the room done, bags packed, fridge stocked and a induction date!! Yes, I said that right if she doesn't come on her own come Wednesday night I will be induced to have this little one by the 21st. So by this time next week I will have Little Miss here! I am so excited, nervous and ready for her to get here. I can't tell if the boys are as excited to meet Little Miss, but they are so laid back its hard to tell when they do get excited. 

I have to say I love having a make co-worker cause as we talk about what's happening next week he chimes in and says " you are gonna miss Duncan" and that's when I realize I am going to miss Duncan, I love that show. In case you are not familiar with Duncan, it is a HUGE swine show in Duncan, OK that is about 3 days long. Every year since I have moved to Texas I have attended with Todd. I love going and seeing people I know and seeing all the pigs. It's something everyone needs to go to at least once if they are into showing pigs. Thank you Todd for reminding I won't be going this year, but I think my excuse is a good one. 

This weekend is our last time to do last minute items and catch up on sleep. So if I don't answer the phone I am napping! I feel like I am going to need all the sleep I can get before Little Miss gets here. I hope she is a good sleeper like her dad.

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