
Thursday, October 31, 2013

October is ending and November is coming!! EEK!!!

Days left until D- DAY!!!
Well the time is getting close as the month is ending (eek!) I only have 18 days left until my due date. I wish I could say I was 100% ready but I am so NOT ready. I am steps closer than I was at the beginning of the month. The crib is up, the stroller is up, I have one load of laundry done. Do I have a bag packed for the hospital?? That's a BIG FAT NO!!!! 

This weekend is my weekend to get that stuff done. I told myself that I want to have all I can get done by the first of November. Cause this little bundle of joy can be coming any day now.I have promised myself also that we do not do any baby stuff when we have Haiden, cause I don't feel its fair to him to be doing nothing but baby stuff when we have him for the weekend when the baby is not here yet. And so far we have been good about making it about what Haiden wants to do when he is with us. Yes, I know it has put us behind on stuff but that's ok too. It will all get done.

BABY BUMP UPDATE: As of 10/29 we weren't even dilated past the size of a finger tip so we will make it to our next appointment. I get to visit the doctor every week now. I feel better about knowing where I stand on being dilated. It sounds weird but I like knowing if I am close or not. The doc says I just need to start having more mini contractions to help with furthering along this process. Mark still thinks she is coming on the 8th but I think if that's gonna happen a lot more pressure has to happen. Stay tuned. 

Link to baby bump photos

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