Us at San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo. |
Well Miss Landry can say she has already experienced her very first Stock Show, and at the ripe old age of 2.5 months old. We like to start them early in Texas. The only bad part (or good depending on how you look at it) is that Landry slept thru most of it. And the part that she was awake for I sadly didn't get any pictures of her awake at it. Landry and I went to San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo this month to take some of our 4-Her's to the show to be tour guides to the local elementary school kids. We had a great time my car was full of girls and I couldn't have made the trip without the girls they were the best to Landry and to me. They helped so much with Landry and didn't mind helping out at all. Best part was the girls were troopers while I changed Landry's poopy diaper on the side of the road in downtown Austin in the front seat of my Tahoe.
The Tom turkey that made Landry watch it in awe. |
Sadly the weather was cold at the stock show and not warm like it was said to be. *damn weatherman lied* But Landry was such a good baby, but then again she always is. She slept thru the kids getting
the run down of the day and the bus loads of kids showing up. But she did wake up enough to see all the animals in the HEB building. I think the turkeys were her favorite cause the Tom turkey was strutting the most and was super loud. I even liked him and I am so not a fan of birds. I can't wait to actually have Landry awake at the stock show and see all the animals and get a kick out of them. I know there will be plenty of stock shows in her future.
How my baby girl spent most of her trip at the stock show, asleep! |
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