Well I should say that PCOS ( Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome) is TOTALLY kicking my butt. I feel as much as I try to kick it in the butt its still winning. I was diagnosed with PCOS back in 2006 officially but it wasn't until October of last year that I truly decided to get a handle on it and all the set backs that come with it. Back in 2006 I tried to get a handle on it then but I guess I couldn't handle it or really want to cause I never followed through with the medicine. But now I'm trying to tackle this issue of mine.
What is PCOS you ask?? Well after doctor's explaining and doing my homework via the internet it's boils down to the fact that my ovaries and the hormones they are supposed to make don't really talk to my brain very well. And apart of that is why I have extra weight only in my middle section because it also effects your hormone balance and mine is slightly off. With PCOS I have WAY more challenges that I want to have from weight gain, infertility, extra facial (hate to admit that but I do) and CRAPPY medicine. From what I gather this affects more women than I thought but at the same time no one ever wants this to happen to them.
I am so happy to say that I am starting to get on track but I feel like every time my medicine (Metformin) doesn't agree with me I feel like giving up. But I don't cause I'm hoping this will all pay off one day. I just wish it would happen sooner rather than later. I hate that I don't know what food will agree or not agree with my medicine and tummy. And those how have lost weight on this drug I HATE you cause I haven't lost anything. I just want a magic wand to fix this but nope its not working.
What really made me decided to get healthy and try to kick PCOS in the butt is the fact that I'm getting any younger and one day I would like to have a kid of my own. But I know in order for that to happen I have to jump through so many hoops and it SUCKS. I gave myself a goal of trying to have a kid or be pregnant by 35. Don't tell your doctor that cause they have horrible facts on women and fertility. (BUZZ KILL) The boy knows all about my plans and he didn't run away when I first started all this mess of trying to get healthy of one day trying to have a kid. (Secretly I am so HAPPY he has a son already cause I feel like the pressure is off of me) I just wish I had more answers than questions to my stupid issues and I know everyone is different but I just want it fixed like a broken bone or stitches.
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