
Sunday, December 29, 2013

What a crazy December

This month has been super crazy. We have a newborn in the house and I have been recovering from a c-section. The hardest part has been recovering from the c-section I ended up going to the doctor more afterwards from my c-section and the problems I had from it than Landry had to go to the doctor. I am just grateful for the doctors that fixed  the problems I had and for my doctors being so concerned and staying on top of it for me. I thank my lucky stars it was me with the issues and not Landry. I am so lucky that I am all better and don't have to worry about that again, I just know what I am allergic to now and to stay CLEAR of it all.

Can't say Landry wasn't in the Christmas spirit with this big ol' hat
In the mist of this crazy month we were iced in for about a week. If that doesn't make or break your relationships nothing will, thankfully Mark and I made it out together with not a cross word even said during that time period. The ice storm was nothing like I have experienced before it looked like snow outside but it was all 4 inches of ice outside. It even came down has freezing rain (another thing we don't get in CA) and it took it days to thaw out. Thanks to the ice mail, packages and food deliveries were all behind. When we did finally make it out there was very little food to be had at the grocery store. The only truly bad part about all the ice is that it put Christmas shopping WAY behind this year. But somehow Mark and I got it all done one day. I have no clue how we did but we did.

Callie trying to share her toys with Landry, since they are friends 
Landry looking at her Christmas tree. 
Christmas time was bitter sweet for me this year. I didn't go home and celebrate it with my family. I stayed here in Texas and celebrated it with Mark's family and our little family. I thank God for face time because that way I did get to be with my family on Christmas. Faith got to talk to her cousin, which more like lets play the singing dog for Landry and Faith danced along. It was nice to see my family and them get to see Landry I love how far cellphones have came since I first got one back in 1999. Now Christmas with Mark's family was different than what I am used too but I loved every minute of it. All of the family was there, all 13 great grandkids (Landry is lucky #13) all of the grandkids (9 of them) and aunts and uncles (4) and all the spouses too. As you can see the house was quite full from the oldest being Great Grandma (79ish) all the way to Landry (1month). We brought over tri tip and cookies and thanks to my AWESOME cooking skills I have been nominated to bring tri tip to all the family gatherings. The one tri tip I brought didn't even last 15 minutes and it was demolished. But damn it was yummy.

Our tiny but mighty baby who can hold her head up when she sits up. 
Out of all the craziness I wouldn't change a thing it was a great month and got to spend it with friends and family. I loved being at home with Landry and being a mom to her. She is an amazing baby, she might be tiny but she is mighty that's for sure. I can't wait to see what the next year brings us and the adventures we have and memories we make.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Landry's First day (11-21-13)

 All these pictures were taken by Mark, while I was in recovery. She is still this wide eyed 3 weeks later!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Puppy Love

I could not have asked for a better puppy. Callie has been a great dog ( for the most part) she has been in love with Landry before she even made her debut. Callie would love up on my belly waiting on Little Miss to move or just to be near me. Well now that love has transferred to the little one. It is the cutest thing ever to see it. 
I am sure one day Callie will be annoyed by Little Miss but for now she checks on her whenever she makes a noise or cries. And if I get up to do something away from the baby Callie takes over and watches Landry until I get back. I secretly think Callie is just waiting for her chance to bounce on her pacifier or pick up a sock that might drop. Callie loves the pacifiers cause there is a little animal attached to them. We love Wub-a-Nubs in this house!!! 
I can't wait for the day when my 2 legged and 4 legged baby get to play together cause I just know it will be way too cute!! For now I will enjoy the sweet moments of Callie loving on Landry and her not even knowing it or caring!! 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Oh the joys of .....,

There is so much that doesn't come in the mommy handbook. Oh wait there is no hand book. Sadly I wish there was a handbook but then that would mean every pregnancy & delivery would be the same. It would be helpful to us first time moms if that was true. But nope.

I am thankful everything is going well with Landry and she is a great baby and likes to be alert a lot. She is too cute for words. All of her outings have been to doctor appoints and mainly for me. What's wrong you ask. Where do I start?

Well I had to go get sterry strips removed on Monday after my c section cause they were causing a rash and irritation. No big deal right take off the tape and get better. Nope Saturday morning I awake with hives head to toe and off to the ER we go for a giant steroid shot in the ass cause the medicine I got wasn't working or gave me the hives. And tomorrow ( Monday) I get to go back to the doctor for a check up. All the while I'm trying to not itch myself to bleed. It's so hard not to itch.

It sounds weird but I'm grateful it's happening to me and not little miss. I would feel horrible if she was like this. I can handle it and speak what's wrong. Hopefully it will all go away soon and no more itchiness or medicines.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Pre dawn thanksgiving.

My thanksgiving started early. It started at 130am with my newborn crying cause she needed her diaper changed and then my dog wanted out to go to the bathroom. All the while I have a house full of sleeping people. I hate to think my precious baby would wake her big brother, grandparents or dad. And she didn't they slept thru it all.

But as the storm of a dirty diaper at 130am passed I have time to reflect as I rock a 6 day old baby. I am beyond thankful for this moment of my snoring man next to me , my sleepy protective puppy at my feet, my 'stepson' and my parents all under the same roof. I couldn't have asked for a better thanksgiving.

It didn't matter the time or the meal Thanksgiving is a time we pause and reflect on all the good in our life. I am beyond thankful for all the good and all the people in my life I call family and friends. There is a reason why everyone has a role in your journey of life.

Happy Pre Dawn Thanksgiving!!!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Crystal Cattle: Holiday Beauty Swap (check it out)

Crystal Cattle: Holiday Beauty Swap: Are you a make-up junkie? Have a draw full of beauty products? Love getting product suggestions from friends? Well here is your opportunity...

Check out this blog, I can't say enough about her. I love reading her blog and all of her adventures. I am no where near as good of a blogger as she is but I love reading it. I just signed up for her beauty swap, cause I too am addicted to make up and I thought it would be nice to get involved and do something fun like this with a fellow blogger and maybe learn about some new trends about makeup. Can't wait to see who I get paired with and what will come in the mail.

Friday, November 15, 2013

So Close yet so Far away.

Well my due date is just around the corner and things are coming together! I have the room done, bags packed, fridge stocked and a induction date!! Yes, I said that right if she doesn't come on her own come Wednesday night I will be induced to have this little one by the 21st. So by this time next week I will have Little Miss here! I am so excited, nervous and ready for her to get here. I can't tell if the boys are as excited to meet Little Miss, but they are so laid back its hard to tell when they do get excited. 

I have to say I love having a make co-worker cause as we talk about what's happening next week he chimes in and says " you are gonna miss Duncan" and that's when I realize I am going to miss Duncan, I love that show. In case you are not familiar with Duncan, it is a HUGE swine show in Duncan, OK that is about 3 days long. Every year since I have moved to Texas I have attended with Todd. I love going and seeing people I know and seeing all the pigs. It's something everyone needs to go to at least once if they are into showing pigs. Thank you Todd for reminding I won't be going this year, but I think my excuse is a good one. 

This weekend is our last time to do last minute items and catch up on sleep. So if I don't answer the phone I am napping! I feel like I am going to need all the sleep I can get before Little Miss gets here. I hope she is a good sleeper like her dad.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Well nesting has begun and let me tell you it has boiled over from my house to my office to even my pinterest account. I started nesting last weekend when I washed all of the baby clothes (newborn to 3 months) got her crib ready. I just have last minute details I need to finish up and that's my plan for this Friday. yes, I did finally get my bag packed and Little Miss' bag packed for the hospital. I do keep adding cute outfits for her, just in case. Plus I have NO idea what to pack for her. My bag is done ( i think) and I'm hoping everything I need is in it. If not I guess Mark gets to go shopping for it. Yeah right, he might send his sister which is ok by me too.

  Then this week at work I have been tackling cleaning and organizing it. Not that it was horrible but the fact I wanted it to look WAY better after I come back. And if anyone needed to get to my stuff while I am gone it would be way easier for them. I even organized my closet which is full of curriculum and fun stuff needed for projects. All the while I have been cleaning I got my reports done, caught up on emails to teachers. I just hope I am not forgetting something.

Then taking a break from all my organizing I decided to check out pinterest but what do I really do is de-clutter and organize my imaginary world on pinterest.  I love pinterest so many ideas so little time!! But I do love the recipes I have tried and love and have become a new favorite. If any one wants to check out my pinterest boards look here: 

I have no idea what nesting means, most people say that the baby is coming soon when you start to nest. But according to the doctor there still isn't any change to me and being dilated. But who knows this child of mine is probably just like me and has a mind of her own and will come when you least know it. I'm just so so impatient that all this waiting is DRIVING ME NUTS!!!!! Hopefully she gets here soon. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Preggo Rant (caution may contain TMI)

There is a BUNCH of stuff people forget to tell you when you become pregnant and there is no googling or forum group that can explain it to you. Don't get me wrong this is a fun and magical time but WOW do books, movies and tv set you up to think this is a fairy tale time with no aches no pains. Let me tell ya not even watching the Baby Story on TLC would help you prepare for child birth, unless you think it can all happen within 30 minutes. I wish child birth could be so fast.

First trimester:  This time should be exciting because you just find out you are pregnant yet also scary cause so many things could go wrong and loose the baby too. This time for me was HOLY SHIT I am pregnant and sick all the time. My poor co workers had to deal with me being sick at work. And my poor Mark had to deal with me being sick ALL the time. Those that are lucky and get away without being sick during this time I envy you!! On top of being sick morning, noon and night don't forget the boobs that ache like no ones business. And hell even a shower hurts when it hits your boobs (sadly this comes back in the third trimester, too). On top of all this excitement you are WAY too tired to even enjoy it and want a nap all the time.

Second trimester:  The trimester everyone looks forward to!! This is the time you find out if you are on team blue or team pink. This is also the time you get your energy back, thank goodness cause by now you need it. Luckily some of the aches go away and you feel back to normal. But also during this time your lovely baby bump starts growing and NONE of your clothes fit so shopping for clothes you will only wear for a few months and that cost a bunch you must go. Best thing I found to invest in is maxi dresses they can accommodate almost any size your baby bump gets too plus they are beyond COZY. Bonus about maxi dresses is that you can dress them for winter or summer, thanks to pinterest and fashion bloggers. Also during this time you get to see the little bundle of joy and of course feel the flutter/kicks. As the trimester goes those flutters become try outs for indoor soccer teams (it did at least in my case) 

Third Trimester: The final trimester (THANK GOD) and what also seems to take the longest too. It takes forever because now you are waiting for the bundle of joy to get here. On top of all the waiting now comes the fun part your body getting ready to deliver the bundle of joy. The aches and pains are SO annoying. I personally wish it would just all come at once right before I deliver her not this drawn out process. The "experts" forget to tell you that your boobs will now hurt even more than the first trimester and feel like they are on fire. And NO ONE tells you about "lightening crotch" which is the nice way of saying it feels like someone stabbed you in the vagina. "They" tell you hemmoroids can happen and they do, and holy shit they are annoying and I don't wish them on anyone. Pregnancy does screw with so many different parts of your body all at once.  Yes, I do enjoy the movement I feel but its WAY more intense now and I am in the annoying part of pregnancy (37-38 weeks in) I am to the point I am ready to have her!  I can totally see how men weren't built to have children, they can barely handle being sick let alone all the factors that happen to your body for pregnancy. I am glad to report I am THANKFUL for my high pain tolerance cause I am sure what some of the stuff I feel otherwise would be calling labor and delivery every other day thinking it was time. Nope, not me I might just be that one that could have her last minute in the truck ride to the hospital. Let's hope not. 

I can't wait to report on the fun of the after birth that no one tells you about too. The countdown to delivery has begun it's November and this little one can come any day. Hopefully before her due date and not after. I don't want a 12 pound baby. I would be happy with a 7 pound baby. So here is wishing Little Miss comes on the 18th or sooner.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

October is ending and November is coming!! EEK!!!

Days left until D- DAY!!!
Well the time is getting close as the month is ending (eek!) I only have 18 days left until my due date. I wish I could say I was 100% ready but I am so NOT ready. I am steps closer than I was at the beginning of the month. The crib is up, the stroller is up, I have one load of laundry done. Do I have a bag packed for the hospital?? That's a BIG FAT NO!!!! 

This weekend is my weekend to get that stuff done. I told myself that I want to have all I can get done by the first of November. Cause this little bundle of joy can be coming any day now.I have promised myself also that we do not do any baby stuff when we have Haiden, cause I don't feel its fair to him to be doing nothing but baby stuff when we have him for the weekend when the baby is not here yet. And so far we have been good about making it about what Haiden wants to do when he is with us. Yes, I know it has put us behind on stuff but that's ok too. It will all get done.

BABY BUMP UPDATE: As of 10/29 we weren't even dilated past the size of a finger tip so we will make it to our next appointment. I get to visit the doctor every week now. I feel better about knowing where I stand on being dilated. It sounds weird but I like knowing if I am close or not. The doc says I just need to start having more mini contractions to help with furthering along this process. Mark still thinks she is coming on the 8th but I think if that's gonna happen a lot more pressure has to happen. Stay tuned. 

Link to baby bump photos

Friday, October 25, 2013

No better family dog than Miss Callie!

My dear sweet puppy Callie is the turning into a GREAT dog!! She has been so good with this pregnancy and I bet she is going to be even better when the baby gets here. She already checks out all the baby stuff then just walks away. And if we are putting together anything for the baby she has to be right there with us. I tell Mark all the time that Callie has more pregnancy sympathy symptoms than he does. When I have to pee at night it seems she does too. Callie is going to make a good big sister to the baby. Heck, she is even better with Haiden. We can ask her where is Haiden and she will go find him, or if Haiden is still in bed she will go wake him up if we ask her too.  I could not have asked for a better family dog than Callie. She is a hoot and can be needy but she is always fun and sweet. She was one of the  best birthday present my grandma gave me. She is family!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Baby bump update.

Well the time is winding down but this little girl is not. She is moving and shaking her way into position. I am due 11-18-13 but the way I have been feeling and the pressure I have no idea if I will make it that far. It seems so far away but I know it's not. We still need to finish up some projects and I know I need to pack a bag for the hospital ( that's seems so scary to me). Mark has already said he would put the hazard lights on and drive 90mph to the hospital for us if need be. To me to sounds like any excuse to do that. But I love him and all of his crazy ideas. I feel like little miss has dropped no idea if that's what it looks like to others but wow I am SO ready. I have hit the annoying part of pregnancy when everything aches and you can't get comfortable.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Where does the time go.

WOW time does fly!!! I can't believe that in about 30 days or less, Mark and I will have a new little bundle of joy!! I swear the other day we were just finding out what we are having. We are almost ready for her to get here. The room is starting to come together. Luckily we still have some time left to do the last minute details. I have a sneaky suspicion that little Miss is SO gonna make a early appearance. But hopefully not til after November 1st.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

It's getting closer to 'D' day

We are about 5 weeks away from 'D' day and we just put the stroller together. Mark is a HUGE help in doing all it. Of course I read the directions and he just does. But I love how excited he is getting and likes to put the stuff together.

I've told the bambino she has to stay in until at least November 1st. After that date she can come any day. Hopefully she will stay in at least 39-40 weeks. She is getting bigger and I swear I'm waddling more and more.

Hopefully we can get everything ready before she gets here.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


According to my calculations and my due date (11-18-13) I should have 60 days more to go before the BIG day!! I am getting excited and slightly nervous. But at the same time I have this funny feeling that this little girl is going to be coming early! And if that's the case then I have less than 60 days to go. YIKES!!!!! I find out next week at my last ultrasound how big this little girl is  and hopefully get to see some 3d images of her. I know I can sure feel her, she is a kicker. In the next 60 days a lot is happening there will be 2 baby showers and one wedding to attend, on top of work events and football games. Mark and I have a lot to get done but I bet some how we will manage and get it done before she gets here. (Knock on wood)

Friday, September 13, 2013

One finger Wave CA vs. TX

As you drive thru the country here in Texas you can always be sure to get a finger wave from a passing truck. Now for those thinking its a bad thing it isn't. Everyone just drives with one hand on the wheel and to acknowledge the fellow driver they just lift one finger as to say hello. Which is such a nice gesture compared to the one finger wave you can get back home. When I first moved here all the waves hello caught me off guard but now it is the norm. For some reason I was trying to figure out if I knew the person or if they thought I was someone else but after time I figured out they are just being kind and saying hi. Now it may have to do with the fact that I drive a big ol' truck instead of a car. And every farmer/country person does drive a a big ol' truck. One day I'll have to try out the theory if I ever own a car.

Now not all the time do people give you the one finger salute in CA but it seems more often than not people in CA are easier pissed off while driving and don't take the time to say hi to a fellow driver. Don't get me wrong there are still people in CA that do wave hello to be friendly it just seems to not be the norm like it is here in Texas. 

Maybe Texans are just a little bit more friendly than the Bay Area people can be. This is just my random thought and observations.

Monday, September 9, 2013

10 weeks to go......YIKES!!!

Well here is a picture of the baby bump. It's not a huge one but its there. And let me tell ya I can totally feel her moving ALL the time. I swear she is trying out for a indoor soccer team. The doctor said that we are doing GREAT and that everything is looking good. I am 30 weeks today. Which is slightly scary cause that means I only have 10 more Mondays to go. I don't know if I am ready for that. I know my house isn't ready for her yet. We have no furniture for her yet or a car seat. I told myself after this wedding I would start to put everything together. Mark keeps telling me to wait til after the baby showers little does he know I like to be prepared and its kinda driving me nuts we aren't there yet. He is WAY too calm about this all but I got to love him!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Busy Time of the year!!!

Fall has begun even though the temperature would tell you different. Pumpkin spice latte has hit Starbucks (yummy) but here in Texas its still way to HOT to drink it yet. Football season has started and cute fall decorations are all over the place in the stores. With all this fall feelings around you would think the temperature would lower and play along.

This fall our office is BEYOND busy. We have more programs coming out the office this fall than I remember in all the other falls I have been here. On top of work being crazy it's wedding, baby, and birthday season. My brother is getting married in a month in the BIG town of Nipomo. I am so excited to be bringing Mark to the wedding and showing him parts of CA he has never seen before. And luckily the central coast never disappoints. Hopefully we will have time to play tourist and I can show him some of the sights.

The week before the wedding is my baby shower in CA and I am more excited to see everyone than the gifts that usually come along with a shower. When I come to town I am usually so busy with family obligations I can't always get away to see my friends. And this shower is a way to see all my favorite people in one room for a few hours. This little bundle is a good reason to get together and celebrate.

Speaking of bundle she has 75 days until her due date and let me tell ya she has been one active little girl. I think she might be trying out for a indoor soccer team or tap dancing. Not sure but WOW can she move when she gets going. Only problem her time schedule is WAY off. The 3am dance routines are not fun for me or my bladder. Oh well. She will be super cute no mater what. Now that we have hit our 3rd trimester we now get to see the doctor every 2 weeks. And I am super excited to have her next sonogram right before the shower. I might even bring her pictures to show off. I think everyone is wanting to see the "bump' and its getting there. It's not huge but she still has a ton of growing to do.

I can't see what this fall has in store for everything that's going on. I know it will be busy and fly by. That's the worst part for me the flying by part. But hopefully I will get to enjoy every moment of it. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Clothes Galore

from Auntie Jen & Uncle Matt
 Well needless to say this little one is already getting spoiled by family members. This is only a fraction of what she has received. I have more clothes for her than I have anything else. I still need to get all the big items. I have no diapers, crib, changing table, car seats, stroller, play pen. Pretty much I have nothing except a few outfits and one or two blankets. Oh I also have the cutest pacifiers, one is a cow and one is a lamb.

I feel like I am SO behind because I really don't have much for her and she will be here in 3 months!!!! She will be looking super cute in all of the outfits, so that is good. Heck, I have already made her 8 headbands to rock!! It helps I am super crafty. I would love to make a bunch of onesies, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.  Everyone is telling me not to stress and wait til after my baby showers to see what I get so that way I don't go
Outfit for next summer from Auntie T & Uncle Richie
 out and over spend or get doubles. I guess my issue is I don't expect people to buy me & the baby all these things. Don't get me wrong I have beyond appreciative of EVERYTHING that people are sending and giving me and the baby. And I love everything that we get. I guess I like to be prepared and I feel like I am in NO way ready for this baby to get here. But I guess 3 months is still along way away. Maybe I should freak out more in October.

First footie PJ's
I am over the top that my 3 dearest friends are throwing me a shower in September!! I feel so lucky to have them in my life and them want to do this for us. I honestly just can't wait to see everyone. Cause the shower is right before the wedding. So I get to see some of my favorite people twice while I am home. But one the best parts is TWO parties!!! One is for a new baby in the family and one is a wedding!! Not my wedding it's Richie's. Don't ask when Mark and I are getting married cause I have NO CLUE. He needs to go shopping and ask first before we even know when we are getting married.

For now we are enjoying every moment. And we are so grateful for everything that everyone is doing for us!!! 

Love this from Auntie T & Uncle Richie

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

100 days til D day

Well in case those haven't figured it out I have 100 days give or take until the BIG day!! In November Mark and I will welcome a bundle of joy to our crazy live together. We can't be more excited! I know I am super nervous yet excited. I am nervous cause we really don't have much done. Our biggest task of moving into a bigger place is done (thank goodness) now the unpacking and buying baby stuff comes. Yippie. The next 100 days are going to be busy with work, bridal showers (for Tanya), fairs, baby showers, flying, weddings and 4-H week. Maternity leave might just be a well needed break cause the fall is busy here at the office.

I still can't believe that in 100 days someone will call me mom. There was a time that I was told that I wouldn't be able to have them with out lots of drugs if at all. And well SURPRISE I got pregnant. We weren't planning it, it has been a happy surprise filled with lots of shock and dismay that's or sure. I think the biggest blessing was that I found out for sure and got to see the first ultrasound on my Gram's birthday. I believe that  she somehow had her hand in all of this from above. I wish she was here to see her in person but I know she will be there with me that day and every other day.

It's still unreal to see my belly starting to pop or feel movements. But its real and here to stay. :) This kid is joining a large family thanks to Mark's side. She will have an older brother (mark's son) and 6 first cousins and countless second cousin. On my side she will be the second grand baby and have one first cousin and a few second cousins. But on my side some of my family isn't blood but family by choice which is the best and in that case she will have PLENTY of "cousins' to play with. 

I can't wait to see what she looks like and who she takes after. But I can wait she still has some more cooking time to do.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Fair Time is Fun Time!!

Well it is that time of the year again!! My hometown fair is starting this week. It's been 20 years plus (man I am old) since I entered my first item into the fair. Sadly I haven't been the last 2 years but thats ok I can root from afar! I am excited to hear how my dad's lambs do!! I wish they would bring back the adult enteries so my dad could enter his prize tomatoes or my mom and her awesome apricot jam. But what I really miss was the GREAT scarecrow contest they had! Some change is good but some times tradition is the way to go!! But no matter what good luck to everyone at SCCF this year!! 

Friday, July 26, 2013

Sheep Show is getting close

 More pictures of my dad's sheep. I can't say enough how proud I am of raising lambs for local 4-H and FFA kids in Santa Clara County. The best part of these sheep is that they get to compete in their own class at fair called Bred & Fed. The class is for only those animals that were bred and raised in Santa Clara County. It also gives the kids another chance to make it to the Champion round.

This lamb looks awesome and from what I hear looks even better in person if you can believe that! I can't wait to hear how this little guy and his owner do at the county fair next week.

I am also super proud of my dad. He is VERY hands on has a breeder. He does a ton of follow up on the lambs and even attends the showmanship practices. He just loves the kids that show and is VERY supportive. I know my dad was beyond supportive of me and my brother growing up and showing and it is carrying on with the younger generation of showers that aren't even related to us. My dad is just very much into the community and giving opportunities to those city kids who may not have the chances to be apart of agriculture like he did growing up.

I can't wait to hear how this lamb and kid do at fair. I know they have both worked hard to get where they are at. And I just hope the judge can see the hard work and make it pay off for the lamb owner. I would also love to see that lamb make it to Champion Round not only for the kid to be recognized but also for my dad to be able to get his picture and the recognition as the breeder.

My dad puts in alot of time and dedication to the lambs and the ewes. Now he is even added a ram to the collection of his little flock so he is BEYOND excited for all the possibilities he has as well as what the 4-H and FFA kids have in the community. I also know the neighborhood enjoys the lambs in the spring when they are bouncing around. Its the highlight of the neighborhood the lambs. 

Can't wait for next week especially Tuesday its Lamb show day!!! Cross your fingers and say a little prayer that all the kids do well and the judge is fair!