
Sunday, December 29, 2013

What a crazy December

This month has been super crazy. We have a newborn in the house and I have been recovering from a c-section. The hardest part has been recovering from the c-section I ended up going to the doctor more afterwards from my c-section and the problems I had from it than Landry had to go to the doctor. I am just grateful for the doctors that fixed  the problems I had and for my doctors being so concerned and staying on top of it for me. I thank my lucky stars it was me with the issues and not Landry. I am so lucky that I am all better and don't have to worry about that again, I just know what I am allergic to now and to stay CLEAR of it all.

Can't say Landry wasn't in the Christmas spirit with this big ol' hat
In the mist of this crazy month we were iced in for about a week. If that doesn't make or break your relationships nothing will, thankfully Mark and I made it out together with not a cross word even said during that time period. The ice storm was nothing like I have experienced before it looked like snow outside but it was all 4 inches of ice outside. It even came down has freezing rain (another thing we don't get in CA) and it took it days to thaw out. Thanks to the ice mail, packages and food deliveries were all behind. When we did finally make it out there was very little food to be had at the grocery store. The only truly bad part about all the ice is that it put Christmas shopping WAY behind this year. But somehow Mark and I got it all done one day. I have no clue how we did but we did.

Callie trying to share her toys with Landry, since they are friends 
Landry looking at her Christmas tree. 
Christmas time was bitter sweet for me this year. I didn't go home and celebrate it with my family. I stayed here in Texas and celebrated it with Mark's family and our little family. I thank God for face time because that way I did get to be with my family on Christmas. Faith got to talk to her cousin, which more like lets play the singing dog for Landry and Faith danced along. It was nice to see my family and them get to see Landry I love how far cellphones have came since I first got one back in 1999. Now Christmas with Mark's family was different than what I am used too but I loved every minute of it. All of the family was there, all 13 great grandkids (Landry is lucky #13) all of the grandkids (9 of them) and aunts and uncles (4) and all the spouses too. As you can see the house was quite full from the oldest being Great Grandma (79ish) all the way to Landry (1month). We brought over tri tip and cookies and thanks to my AWESOME cooking skills I have been nominated to bring tri tip to all the family gatherings. The one tri tip I brought didn't even last 15 minutes and it was demolished. But damn it was yummy.

Our tiny but mighty baby who can hold her head up when she sits up. 
Out of all the craziness I wouldn't change a thing it was a great month and got to spend it with friends and family. I loved being at home with Landry and being a mom to her. She is an amazing baby, she might be tiny but she is mighty that's for sure. I can't wait to see what the next year brings us and the adventures we have and memories we make.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Landry's First day (11-21-13)

 All these pictures were taken by Mark, while I was in recovery. She is still this wide eyed 3 weeks later!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Puppy Love

I could not have asked for a better puppy. Callie has been a great dog ( for the most part) she has been in love with Landry before she even made her debut. Callie would love up on my belly waiting on Little Miss to move or just to be near me. Well now that love has transferred to the little one. It is the cutest thing ever to see it. 
I am sure one day Callie will be annoyed by Little Miss but for now she checks on her whenever she makes a noise or cries. And if I get up to do something away from the baby Callie takes over and watches Landry until I get back. I secretly think Callie is just waiting for her chance to bounce on her pacifier or pick up a sock that might drop. Callie loves the pacifiers cause there is a little animal attached to them. We love Wub-a-Nubs in this house!!! 
I can't wait for the day when my 2 legged and 4 legged baby get to play together cause I just know it will be way too cute!! For now I will enjoy the sweet moments of Callie loving on Landry and her not even knowing it or caring!! 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Oh the joys of .....,

There is so much that doesn't come in the mommy handbook. Oh wait there is no hand book. Sadly I wish there was a handbook but then that would mean every pregnancy & delivery would be the same. It would be helpful to us first time moms if that was true. But nope.

I am thankful everything is going well with Landry and she is a great baby and likes to be alert a lot. She is too cute for words. All of her outings have been to doctor appoints and mainly for me. What's wrong you ask. Where do I start?

Well I had to go get sterry strips removed on Monday after my c section cause they were causing a rash and irritation. No big deal right take off the tape and get better. Nope Saturday morning I awake with hives head to toe and off to the ER we go for a giant steroid shot in the ass cause the medicine I got wasn't working or gave me the hives. And tomorrow ( Monday) I get to go back to the doctor for a check up. All the while I'm trying to not itch myself to bleed. It's so hard not to itch.

It sounds weird but I'm grateful it's happening to me and not little miss. I would feel horrible if she was like this. I can handle it and speak what's wrong. Hopefully it will all go away soon and no more itchiness or medicines.