
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Pre dawn thanksgiving.

My thanksgiving started early. It started at 130am with my newborn crying cause she needed her diaper changed and then my dog wanted out to go to the bathroom. All the while I have a house full of sleeping people. I hate to think my precious baby would wake her big brother, grandparents or dad. And she didn't they slept thru it all.

But as the storm of a dirty diaper at 130am passed I have time to reflect as I rock a 6 day old baby. I am beyond thankful for this moment of my snoring man next to me , my sleepy protective puppy at my feet, my 'stepson' and my parents all under the same roof. I couldn't have asked for a better thanksgiving.

It didn't matter the time or the meal Thanksgiving is a time we pause and reflect on all the good in our life. I am beyond thankful for all the good and all the people in my life I call family and friends. There is a reason why everyone has a role in your journey of life.

Happy Pre Dawn Thanksgiving!!!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Crystal Cattle: Holiday Beauty Swap (check it out)

Crystal Cattle: Holiday Beauty Swap: Are you a make-up junkie? Have a draw full of beauty products? Love getting product suggestions from friends? Well here is your opportunity...

Check out this blog, I can't say enough about her. I love reading her blog and all of her adventures. I am no where near as good of a blogger as she is but I love reading it. I just signed up for her beauty swap, cause I too am addicted to make up and I thought it would be nice to get involved and do something fun like this with a fellow blogger and maybe learn about some new trends about makeup. Can't wait to see who I get paired with and what will come in the mail.

Friday, November 15, 2013

So Close yet so Far away.

Well my due date is just around the corner and things are coming together! I have the room done, bags packed, fridge stocked and a induction date!! Yes, I said that right if she doesn't come on her own come Wednesday night I will be induced to have this little one by the 21st. So by this time next week I will have Little Miss here! I am so excited, nervous and ready for her to get here. I can't tell if the boys are as excited to meet Little Miss, but they are so laid back its hard to tell when they do get excited. 

I have to say I love having a make co-worker cause as we talk about what's happening next week he chimes in and says " you are gonna miss Duncan" and that's when I realize I am going to miss Duncan, I love that show. In case you are not familiar with Duncan, it is a HUGE swine show in Duncan, OK that is about 3 days long. Every year since I have moved to Texas I have attended with Todd. I love going and seeing people I know and seeing all the pigs. It's something everyone needs to go to at least once if they are into showing pigs. Thank you Todd for reminding I won't be going this year, but I think my excuse is a good one. 

This weekend is our last time to do last minute items and catch up on sleep. So if I don't answer the phone I am napping! I feel like I am going to need all the sleep I can get before Little Miss gets here. I hope she is a good sleeper like her dad.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Well nesting has begun and let me tell you it has boiled over from my house to my office to even my pinterest account. I started nesting last weekend when I washed all of the baby clothes (newborn to 3 months) got her crib ready. I just have last minute details I need to finish up and that's my plan for this Friday. yes, I did finally get my bag packed and Little Miss' bag packed for the hospital. I do keep adding cute outfits for her, just in case. Plus I have NO idea what to pack for her. My bag is done ( i think) and I'm hoping everything I need is in it. If not I guess Mark gets to go shopping for it. Yeah right, he might send his sister which is ok by me too.

  Then this week at work I have been tackling cleaning and organizing it. Not that it was horrible but the fact I wanted it to look WAY better after I come back. And if anyone needed to get to my stuff while I am gone it would be way easier for them. I even organized my closet which is full of curriculum and fun stuff needed for projects. All the while I have been cleaning I got my reports done, caught up on emails to teachers. I just hope I am not forgetting something.

Then taking a break from all my organizing I decided to check out pinterest but what do I really do is de-clutter and organize my imaginary world on pinterest.  I love pinterest so many ideas so little time!! But I do love the recipes I have tried and love and have become a new favorite. If any one wants to check out my pinterest boards look here: 

I have no idea what nesting means, most people say that the baby is coming soon when you start to nest. But according to the doctor there still isn't any change to me and being dilated. But who knows this child of mine is probably just like me and has a mind of her own and will come when you least know it. I'm just so so impatient that all this waiting is DRIVING ME NUTS!!!!! Hopefully she gets here soon. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Preggo Rant (caution may contain TMI)

There is a BUNCH of stuff people forget to tell you when you become pregnant and there is no googling or forum group that can explain it to you. Don't get me wrong this is a fun and magical time but WOW do books, movies and tv set you up to think this is a fairy tale time with no aches no pains. Let me tell ya not even watching the Baby Story on TLC would help you prepare for child birth, unless you think it can all happen within 30 minutes. I wish child birth could be so fast.

First trimester:  This time should be exciting because you just find out you are pregnant yet also scary cause so many things could go wrong and loose the baby too. This time for me was HOLY SHIT I am pregnant and sick all the time. My poor co workers had to deal with me being sick at work. And my poor Mark had to deal with me being sick ALL the time. Those that are lucky and get away without being sick during this time I envy you!! On top of being sick morning, noon and night don't forget the boobs that ache like no ones business. And hell even a shower hurts when it hits your boobs (sadly this comes back in the third trimester, too). On top of all this excitement you are WAY too tired to even enjoy it and want a nap all the time.

Second trimester:  The trimester everyone looks forward to!! This is the time you find out if you are on team blue or team pink. This is also the time you get your energy back, thank goodness cause by now you need it. Luckily some of the aches go away and you feel back to normal. But also during this time your lovely baby bump starts growing and NONE of your clothes fit so shopping for clothes you will only wear for a few months and that cost a bunch you must go. Best thing I found to invest in is maxi dresses they can accommodate almost any size your baby bump gets too plus they are beyond COZY. Bonus about maxi dresses is that you can dress them for winter or summer, thanks to pinterest and fashion bloggers. Also during this time you get to see the little bundle of joy and of course feel the flutter/kicks. As the trimester goes those flutters become try outs for indoor soccer teams (it did at least in my case) 

Third Trimester: The final trimester (THANK GOD) and what also seems to take the longest too. It takes forever because now you are waiting for the bundle of joy to get here. On top of all the waiting now comes the fun part your body getting ready to deliver the bundle of joy. The aches and pains are SO annoying. I personally wish it would just all come at once right before I deliver her not this drawn out process. The "experts" forget to tell you that your boobs will now hurt even more than the first trimester and feel like they are on fire. And NO ONE tells you about "lightening crotch" which is the nice way of saying it feels like someone stabbed you in the vagina. "They" tell you hemmoroids can happen and they do, and holy shit they are annoying and I don't wish them on anyone. Pregnancy does screw with so many different parts of your body all at once.  Yes, I do enjoy the movement I feel but its WAY more intense now and I am in the annoying part of pregnancy (37-38 weeks in) I am to the point I am ready to have her!  I can totally see how men weren't built to have children, they can barely handle being sick let alone all the factors that happen to your body for pregnancy. I am glad to report I am THANKFUL for my high pain tolerance cause I am sure what some of the stuff I feel otherwise would be calling labor and delivery every other day thinking it was time. Nope, not me I might just be that one that could have her last minute in the truck ride to the hospital. Let's hope not. 

I can't wait to report on the fun of the after birth that no one tells you about too. The countdown to delivery has begun it's November and this little one can come any day. Hopefully before her due date and not after. I don't want a 12 pound baby. I would be happy with a 7 pound baby. So here is wishing Little Miss comes on the 18th or sooner.