
Thursday, September 19, 2013


According to my calculations and my due date (11-18-13) I should have 60 days more to go before the BIG day!! I am getting excited and slightly nervous. But at the same time I have this funny feeling that this little girl is going to be coming early! And if that's the case then I have less than 60 days to go. YIKES!!!!! I find out next week at my last ultrasound how big this little girl is  and hopefully get to see some 3d images of her. I know I can sure feel her, she is a kicker. In the next 60 days a lot is happening there will be 2 baby showers and one wedding to attend, on top of work events and football games. Mark and I have a lot to get done but I bet some how we will manage and get it done before she gets here. (Knock on wood)

Friday, September 13, 2013

One finger Wave CA vs. TX

As you drive thru the country here in Texas you can always be sure to get a finger wave from a passing truck. Now for those thinking its a bad thing it isn't. Everyone just drives with one hand on the wheel and to acknowledge the fellow driver they just lift one finger as to say hello. Which is such a nice gesture compared to the one finger wave you can get back home. When I first moved here all the waves hello caught me off guard but now it is the norm. For some reason I was trying to figure out if I knew the person or if they thought I was someone else but after time I figured out they are just being kind and saying hi. Now it may have to do with the fact that I drive a big ol' truck instead of a car. And every farmer/country person does drive a a big ol' truck. One day I'll have to try out the theory if I ever own a car.

Now not all the time do people give you the one finger salute in CA but it seems more often than not people in CA are easier pissed off while driving and don't take the time to say hi to a fellow driver. Don't get me wrong there are still people in CA that do wave hello to be friendly it just seems to not be the norm like it is here in Texas. 

Maybe Texans are just a little bit more friendly than the Bay Area people can be. This is just my random thought and observations.

Monday, September 9, 2013

10 weeks to go......YIKES!!!

Well here is a picture of the baby bump. It's not a huge one but its there. And let me tell ya I can totally feel her moving ALL the time. I swear she is trying out for a indoor soccer team. The doctor said that we are doing GREAT and that everything is looking good. I am 30 weeks today. Which is slightly scary cause that means I only have 10 more Mondays to go. I don't know if I am ready for that. I know my house isn't ready for her yet. We have no furniture for her yet or a car seat. I told myself after this wedding I would start to put everything together. Mark keeps telling me to wait til after the baby showers little does he know I like to be prepared and its kinda driving me nuts we aren't there yet. He is WAY too calm about this all but I got to love him!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Busy Time of the year!!!

Fall has begun even though the temperature would tell you different. Pumpkin spice latte has hit Starbucks (yummy) but here in Texas its still way to HOT to drink it yet. Football season has started and cute fall decorations are all over the place in the stores. With all this fall feelings around you would think the temperature would lower and play along.

This fall our office is BEYOND busy. We have more programs coming out the office this fall than I remember in all the other falls I have been here. On top of work being crazy it's wedding, baby, and birthday season. My brother is getting married in a month in the BIG town of Nipomo. I am so excited to be bringing Mark to the wedding and showing him parts of CA he has never seen before. And luckily the central coast never disappoints. Hopefully we will have time to play tourist and I can show him some of the sights.

The week before the wedding is my baby shower in CA and I am more excited to see everyone than the gifts that usually come along with a shower. When I come to town I am usually so busy with family obligations I can't always get away to see my friends. And this shower is a way to see all my favorite people in one room for a few hours. This little bundle is a good reason to get together and celebrate.

Speaking of bundle she has 75 days until her due date and let me tell ya she has been one active little girl. I think she might be trying out for a indoor soccer team or tap dancing. Not sure but WOW can she move when she gets going. Only problem her time schedule is WAY off. The 3am dance routines are not fun for me or my bladder. Oh well. She will be super cute no mater what. Now that we have hit our 3rd trimester we now get to see the doctor every 2 weeks. And I am super excited to have her next sonogram right before the shower. I might even bring her pictures to show off. I think everyone is wanting to see the "bump' and its getting there. It's not huge but she still has a ton of growing to do.

I can't see what this fall has in store for everything that's going on. I know it will be busy and fly by. That's the worst part for me the flying by part. But hopefully I will get to enjoy every moment of it.